21 Jan 2020
1. Do it every day. Don’t wait for your planned monthly 121s or review meetings. Create a habit of doing at least a little coaching every day. Remember that Practice Makes Permanent.
2. It is not your problem to solve. Your job is to help them find their own solution, not to give them yours.
3. Be curious.. really curious.. I mean, really, really curious. Find out how your team member is thinking, their decision-making process and what is really going on for them
4. Ask open questions Should be an easy one. Rudyard Kipling said; I keep six honest serving men, They taught me all I knew, Their names are What and Why and When, And How and Where and Who.
5. Don’t lead the witness (Your Honour). Beware of dressing up advice as a question. Your team need to be free to generate their own ideas and solutions and must not feel led into yours.
6. Believe in the resourcefulness of the coachee. Believe that there is answer inside your team member somewhere. You just need to ask better questions to help them find it.
7. Don’t give your team member your solution even if you think it is the best. Their 100% commitment to their own 80% solution, is better than their 50% commitment to your 100% answer.
8. Some action is better than inaction. If your team member is moving toward the goal, let them run at their own pace, rather than always force your pace on them.
9. Get commitment Nothing gets done without a clear statement of what is going to be done and by when.